
Statutes of the Associations belonging to the EAJ

Article 1.

1. The European Association of Judges is a regional organization within the International Association of Judges.
2. Members are national associations and national representative groups of judges within Art. 2 paragrapvh 2. sub-paragraph (ii) of the constitution of the International Association of Judges that are members of the International Association of Judges, whose countries are wholly or partially in Europe or who have been admitted as such by the General Assembly of the European Association of Judges.
3. Associations from countries in Europe that are extraordinary members of the International Association of Judges are extraordinary members also of the European Association of Judges. Observer status may be granted to associations from countries outside Europe that are members of the International Association of Judges.
4. Associations or national representative groups belonging to other Regional Groups of the International Association of Judges enjoy full rights as members of the European Association of Judges, except in matters where a conflict of interests between Regional Groups appears. The General Assembly decides in case of doubt.

Article 2.

1. The object of the European Association of Judges is to further the objects of the International Association of Judges, where this is best done in a European context.
2. The European Association of Judges works to promote closer European cooperation in all areas pertaining to the judiciaries of the member states and international and supranational judiciaries, not exceeding the European level. Therefore the association specifically aims to:
a) strengthen and support the rule of law as well as judicial independence and impartiality within the European scope and in all member states;
b) safeguard the interests of the judiciary, as an essential requirement of the judicial function and guarantee of human rights and freedoms;
c) safeguard the constitutional and moral standing of the judiciary, d) increase and perfect the knowledge and understanding of judges;
e) study together judicial problems whether of European, regional or national interests, with particular regard to European laws and their application in practice;
f) improve the knowledge of European law and the judicial co-operation between the concerned judiciaries across the borders;
g) defend and represent the interests of European judges and magistrates as well as other members of the judiciary enjoying judicial status, where they are at stake in projects and decisions of international and transnational governmental organizations, not exceeding the European level.

Article 3.

1. The General Assembly of the European Association of Judges is responsible for formulating policy.
2. The President shall convene a meeting of the General Assembly at least once a year. It may take place either in the country of a member association or, if it is held in connection with a meeting of the International Association of Judges, at the place of that meeting.
3. Notice of a meeting of the General Assembly must be sent to members at least two months before the day of the meeting. In the month following such notice, members may request the President to include any particular matter in the agenda. Where at least two members concur in making such a request, the President must comply with it. The agenda must be circulated to members at least fifteen days before the meeting.
4. Each member has one vote.
5. A member may give the delegate of another member written authorisation to vote on its behalf at meetings of the General Assembly. No more than one such authorisation can be given to the same delegate.
6. No decision may be taken by the General Assembly, unless a majority of the members are present or represented.
7. Decisions are taken by a majority vote. If at least three delegates so require, the vote shall be taken by secret ballot.
8. Extraordinary members and associations with observer status within Article 1.3 may take part in the meetings and discussions of the General Assembly, but have no voting right.
9. If a member has lost its voting right in the International Association of Judges because of arrears in payment of subscriptions, it has no voting right in the European Association of Judges either. If for the same reason a member ceases to belong to the International Association of Judges, it also ceases as member of the European Association of Judges.

Article 4.

1. The President represents the European Association of Judges and directs the association.
2. The President shall be elected every other year by the General Assembly and shall be one of the Vice-Presidents of the International Association of Judges.
3. The President may appoint judges from member associations to form an executive committee toassist him with his work.
4. The General Assembly may establish permanent working groups to deal with recurring topics.
5. In the appointment of judges for an executive committee and in the selection of members of permanent and other working groups due weight should be given to ensure representation of the different geographical areas and legal traditions of Europe.
6. The General Assembly may appoint judges from member associations to represent it on a permanent basis with European or International organizations. The General Assembly may at any time revoke such an appointment.

Article 5.

1. The principal documents of the European Association of Judges must be drawn up in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. In case of doubt, unless otherwise provided, the English text shall prevail.
2. The working languages of the association are English and French. Wheresimultaneous translation is provided, other languages may be used, notably German, Italian and Spanish.

Article 6.

1. The European Association of Judges is financed by contributions from the International Association of Judges.
2. The General Assembly may fix an annual supplementary contribution to be paid by each member association. A supplementary contribution may also be fixed for extraordinary members and associations with observer status.
3. The General Secretariat will present annual financial accounts to the General Assembly. The General Assembly before it sits shall designate two delegates to scrutinise the accounts and to recommend whether or not they should be approved.
4. All expenditure must be authorised by the President.

Article 7.

1. These Statutes may be amended by the General Assembly upon the proposal of either the President or at least three ordinary members, submitted to the General Secretariat not less than three months before the meeting of the General Assembly. Within one month of receipt of such a proposal, the Secretariat General must circulate it to all members of the association.
2. In order to amend the Statutes there must be a vote in favour by majority of not less than two thirds of the votes cast and of not less than half the members of the association.
3. A member may authorise a delegate of another member to vote on its behalf. Article 3, section 5, applies.
4. The General Assembly may establish permanent working groups for particular topics.
Judges from member associations who have no other official function within the EAJ are eligible as members of those working groups. They shall be elected in a personal capacity by the General Assembly every other year at the same time as the President of the EAJ will be elected.
A member may be re-elected for a further term or terms, without limit on the number of occasions upon which the member may be so re-elected.
In case of the resignation of a member of the working group during the currency of the member’s term of office, the President of the EAJ, in consultation with the Executive Committee of the EAJ, may appoint as a substitute a judge from a member association for the remainder of the term of office of the member who has resigned.
The General Assembly may appoint the president of the respective working group or may leave the organization of the working group to the decision of the members of the group.

Article 8.

1. These Statutes are adopted in five original texts: English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.
2. In case of any difficulty of interpretation the English text shall prevail.

Dubrovnik, 10th May 2003
Amended in Limassol, 16th May 2014

International Association of Judges
Union Internationale des Magistrats
Palazzo di Giustizia
Piazza Cavour – 00193 – Roma, Italy
tel. +39 06 6883 2213 – fax. +39 06 687 1195