EAJ News
News of the Associations belonging to the EAJ
New Board of the European Association of Judges
On September 21st 2023, during the EAJ meeting held in Taipei (Taiwan) in occasion of the 65th annual meeting of the IAJ, Mr. Mikel Sjoeberg has been elected as new
Resolution on Moldova
During the last EAJ meeting, held in Taipei on the occasion of the 65th IAJ annual meeting, the Europen Association of Judges adopted a resolution on Moldova. Resolution
Meetings of the IAJ Regional Groups in Taipei, Taiwan
On 17th September 2023 all the four Regional Groups of the IAJ met in Taipei in the framework of the 65th IAJ annual meeting.
Survey to the members of the EAJ on limitations for submissions in civil lawsuits
On March 2022, the Deutscher Richterbund (DRB, German Judges Association) conducted a survey among the members of the European Association of Judges (EAJ) on limitations for submissions in civil lawsuits.
Letter EAJ Board on Armenia
Today the EAJ Board sent a letter to some important European Authorities concerning the situation of judiciary in Armenia. A statement has been also adopted in its favour on the occasion of the last EAJ meeting held in Athens
Side event at PACE on Turkey
On the occasion of the Summer plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE: https://pace.coe.int/en/) in Strasbourg on 19-23 June 2023 a side event took place on June 21. The title of the event: “Revisiting
International Association of Judges
Union Internationale des Magistrats
Palazzo di Giustizia
Piazza Cavour – 00193 – Roma, Italy
tel. +39 06 6883 2213 – fax. +39 06 687 1195